

Launching SmartConnect - Not Your Average Job Portal

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There are many familiar pit-stops on the journey towards finding a job that you love. A job that you are passionate about that also holistically meets your needs.

A typical job-seeker would make fervent phone calls, pour through job listings, drop their resume in company websites, submit it through online job portals, and wait to hear back. We’re all familiar with the drill.

But the sheer volume of profiles that roll in results in slips through the cracks, and stretches time that is immensely valuable, before the profile is brought to the employers’ consideration. If luck does not favor the candidate it may even never be seen.

Luck being a deciding factor in a person's career didn’t seem fair.
And that’s why we created Smartconnect.

What is Smartconnect

The Accel ranks are rich with founders across the country who are tirelessly building groundbreaking startups. We feel honor-bound to maximize and share the advantages that come with the access to these companies, which can lead to bountiful opportunities for candidates across the globe. Founders are always looking for talent, and we want to help them while simultaneously guiding candidates towards roles that fit the bill.

Smartconnect  is a free platform that is a one-stop-shop to all the Accel portfolio companies, a vast network of entrepreneurs, and multiple opportunities to connect with these companies and the founders. The  algorithm, coupled with the people behind it, focuses on matching candidates by considering them beyond what is on paper.

Matching potential with opportunities

There is no dearth of talent around us, but it doesn’t necessarily always find the right channels. Oftentimes they are even mismatched. Our team sought to take an attempt at correcting this imbalance. Our value proposition is built upon the conviction that talent and skill isn’t restricted to textbook definitions or banal checklists.

We believe that people make companies, and Smartconnect  sets out to do everything within the system that will match the right people to the right jobs.

Whether you want to explore opportunities in an Accel portfolio company, find leadership roles or unconventional ones, Smartconnect aims to guide and help you on that course. Additionally, allowing the founders to directly view and analyse your profile is the cream on the cake!

Taking the road less travelled -- finding niche opportunities

Furthermore, we are equally if not more passionate about finding niche opportunities for the candidates who are off the beaten track. While there exists a pool of well-known companies, we point candidates in the direction of lesser-known opportunities within smaller seed companies that are just as remarkable. Our information about unique roles may be just what you were looking for.

Smartconnect  aims to do exactly what the name suggests--which is to match the right profile to the right company, within the Accel portfolio of startups.

What do you have to do?

Go here, and submit your CV. That’s all. We will take care of the rest!

We hope Smartconnect is a step in the right direction towards holistic employment opportunities. Smartconnect will guide you towards not just who you can be, but who you are meant to be.

Because this next job might just be your best!

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